R-Ladies & Posit Cloud

R-Ladies and Posit Cloud logos


R-Ladies now has a Posit Cloud account available for R-Ladies meet-ups.

Overview of Posit Cloud

Posit Cloud is an online platform from Posit that allows users to work on data science projects without requiring software installation on personal computers. This is a particularly attractive option for R-Ladies workshops as creators of a Posit Cloud space can ensure all workshop attendees are using the same version of both R and R packages, as well as create a directory with files to work from.


We are thrilled to share that Posit has partnered with R-Ladies to offer a Posit Cloud account free of charge for R-Ladies meet-ups.

How to request access

Please follow the Posit Cloud section of the R-Ladies guide to request access.


Posit Cloud could be a wonderful addition to your R-Ladies meet-ups! Posit Cloud would be best suited for workshop style meet-ups where participants are encouraged to actively submit code or do exercises.

Use of Posit Cloud requires both administrators of the Posit Cloud space and workshop participants to have a Posit Cloud account. This may require a bit of extra time to get started as users may need to create an account.

There are limits to the computing capacity of the Posit Cloud account. We haven’t tested the boundaries, but be aware that computationally heavy workshops could possibly have slow performance.

Author: Leadership Team

This post was last edited on 23 July 2024 with the message"Merge branch 'main' into get_involved_guide_update"